Dr. Jennifer Vitarelli

How to Treat Tooth Decay

tooth decayOne of the biggest misconceptions in people’s minds is that tooth cavities can’t be healed or reversed naturally.

You will normally get a tooth cavity due to an unhealthy diet, and irregular brushing – in this blog we will look at some solutions on how to heal your cavities naturally.

Stop eating sugar

  • Sugar is the biggest reason for tooth decay, if you want to have healthy, cavity-free teeth, then you need to have a good diet. Sugar feeds on oral bacteria that stops a healthy flow of dental fluids. It’s also extremely acidic, it will literally reduce the mineral content in your teeth, which creates tooth decay.
  • Because of this, you should stay away from eating sugar regularly, this means soda, candy, and baked goods that contain a lot of sugar. You should also caution yourself when using honey, syrup, and fruit juices – all of these contain a high amount of sugar, which is why they are so tasty!

You should also watch out for artificial sweeteners, they are sold as ‘the solution’ to sugar but in reality, it’s just as bad as eating sugar due to health implications.

Stop eating food that contains phytic acid

  • Phytic acid is a mineral blocker that’s found in food like nuts, beans, and grains, it can cause serious problems for your teeth and diet If not consumed in moderation. Ironically, the methods of how these foods were produced in the past were much better at eliminating phytic acid, but with modern robotic factories replaced old techniques, the acid has emerged as an issue again.

Phytic acid not only prevents your teeth from absorbing the minerals from other foods, but it also stop minerals flowing to your body and bones! The other negatives of phytic acid is a lack of appetite, nutrient issues, and tooth decay. You should limit the number of nuts and grains you consume because of this.

Eat raw dairy and nutrient-rich food

  • Raw dairy is the best product for your teeth, It contains vitamins and minerals that help maintain a healthy set of teeth, and provides a great dental fluid flow to prevent cavities. Dairy is packed with calcium, magnesium and vitamins like K2, D3, and more. You should have raw dairy products at least weekly, good sources are goat milk, cheeses, and organic butter.

Other solutions to tooth decay

Another solution is to go to your local dentist to see if it can be taken out, Vitarelli Dental is based in Madison, NJ – get in touch or stop by to see how we can help!